Is it Microsoft Edge, or Google Chrome?

Please check the Table of Contents before continuing. Did you come here for Microsoft Edge, or Google Chrome? Because if it’s Microsoft Edge, the problem is something entirely else.

FIX: The person who set up this computer has blocked this site. Try contacting your organization. ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ADMINISTRATOR
FIX: The person who set up this computer has blocked this site. Try contacting your organization. ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ADMINISTRATOR

I got this error in Microsoft Edge (BETA). On Google, I only found solutions for Google Chrome, so that’s why I’ve created a chapter for Chrome as well.


Fortunately, if you get the error in Chrome, the solution is quite simple.

  • Go to Start or press CTRL + R,
  • Search for Regedit,
  • Open Regedit,
  • Go to the following directory:


You can also copy and paste the directory in Regedit

FIX: The person who set up this computer has blocked this site. Try contacting your organization. ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ADMINISTRATOR
FIX: The person who set up this computer has blocked this site. Try contacting your organization. ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ADMINISTRATOR
  • Right click the Google key,
  • Click on Delete.
FIX: The person who set up this computer has blocked this site. Try contacting your organization. ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ADMINISTRATOR
FIX: The person who set up this computer has blocked this site. Try contacting your organization. ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ADMINISTRATOR

Restart Google Chrome.


In Microsoft Edge it’s a different error than in Google Chrome.

I recently started using the Microsoft Edge Beta version because it ran on Chromium and you could finally create separate user profiles. In the newest stable Microsoft Edge you can also create profiles now.

After using Edge for a while I suddenly couldn’t open certain URLs anymore.

  • Etc..

I found out it wasn’t only the Beta version, and there were more colleagues at work who had this issue. We all use multiple profiles to log on customer tenants.

Fortunately, my colleague Frans Oudendorp quickly found out the issue was Windows Information Protection aka WIP.

You can read more about WIP on

The first Note is: This applies to Microsoft Edge version 81 or later.

When you click on the 3 dots in Edge, you can go to Help and Feedback, Then About Microsoft Edge you can see which version you have. Or just open this link in Edge edge://settings/help.

I have version 8.3 already.

FIX: The person who set up this computer has blocked this site. Try contacting your organization. ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ADMINISTRATOR
FIX: The person who set up this computer has blocked this site. Try contacting your organization. ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ADMINISTRATOR

After WIP support is enabled for Microsoft Edge, users will see when work-related information is accessed. The next screenshot shows the briefcase icon in the address bar, indicating that work-related information is accessed via the browser.

Address bar indicator for sites marked as "work"

Well, it is clear that it is WIP. If you are an IT engineer yourself, you can choose to disable WIP.

We have disabled it because we barely used it and it got in the way of our work.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a work-around for you, but at least now you know what the issue is.

Complete error message (Microsoft Edge)


The person who set up this computer has blocked this site.

Try contacting your organization.


Hide details

Check your organization’s policiesVisit edge://policy to see the list of blocked URLs and other policies enforced by your organization.

Published by

Bas Wijdenes

My name is Bas Wijdenes and I work as a PowerShell DevOps Engineer. In my spare time I write about interesting stuff that I encounter during my work.

6 thoughts on “FIX: ERR_BLOCKED_BY ADMINISTRATOR in Chromium browsers”

  1. do not block instagram please because there are people who do not have washapp or mobile and are on the computer at home on instagram because if not they can not contact anyone

  2. If you still want to use MS Edge App, go to edge settings -> Profiles –> sign in and continue
    using Group Policy Management to users, to use GPO you must download admx template for Microsoft Edge

    and then you able to access
    – Etc..

    already tested this day
    Thank You

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